Photographic prints from your digital files

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Q.  I would like to get some files printed.  How do I start?

Q.  What file formats do you accept?

Q.  How can I avoid unreasonably long upload times?

Q.  Do I need to expand my files, to match the printing size I will request?

Q.  How long will you keep my photos in my on-line directory?

Q.  How large a print can I get without it looking blurry?

Q.  I've added some prints to my shopping cart, but tomorrow I will want to upload and order some additional items.  Will my shopping cart still be there tomorrow?

Q.  Will you check my order for color and cropping?

Q.  Is my credit card information secure?

Q. How soon will I get my order?

A.  Use JPEG compression.  Typically you will get about a 15:1 compression with JPEG, and (if it is done properly) have no detectable loss of quality.

If you are using Photoshop, when you click "save-as", then "JPEG", you will be asked for a file compression number.  Use 10-12, for highest quality (largest file size, least compression).

JPEG artifacts almost always result from either (a) saving at a lower compression number (e.g., less than 6), and/or (b) using a very small file to make a very large print.